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Showing posts from November, 2022

Computer Memory Measurement

Units of Computer Memory Measurement (Image by - Sharma Guides | Subham232330) 1Bit = Binary Digit 8Bits = 1 Byte 1024 Bytes = 1KB (Kilo Byte) 1024 KB = 1MB (Mega Byte) 1024 MB = 1GB (Giga Byte) 1024 GB = 1TB (Terra Byte) 1024 TB = 1PB (Peta Byte) 1024 PB = 1EB (Exa Byte) 1024 EB = 1ZB (Zetta Byte) 1024 ZB = 1YB (Yotta Byte) 1024 YB = 1 Bronto Byte 1024 Brontobyte = 1 Geop Byte

List vs Tuple

List vs Tuple (Image by - Sharma Guides | Subham232330) List | |- Syntax :- [2,3,4] | |- Mutable :- Elements can be changed after creation. | |- Length :- Variable length. | |- Memory :- List takes more memory than a tuple. Tuple | |- Syntax :- (2,3,4) | |- Immutable :- Elements cannot be changed after creation. | |- Length :- Fixed length. | |- Memory :- It takes less memory than a list.

Swap Variables in Python

5 Ways to Swap Variables in Python: (Image by - Sharma Guides | Subham232330) 1. Using a Temporary Variable - a=2 b=3 temp=a a=b b=temp print(a) print(b) Output:- a=3 b=2 2. Using Arithmetic Operators - a=2 b=3 a=a+b  # a=5, b=3 b=a-b  # a=5, b=2 a=a-b  # a=3, b=2 print(a) print(b) Output:- a=3 b=2 3. Using Comma - a=2 b=3 a,b=b,a print(a) print(b) Output:- a=3 b=2 4. Using XOR(^ ) a=2 b=3 a=a^b b=a^b a=a^b print(a) print(b) Output:- a=3 b=2 5. Using Multiplication and Division - a=2 b=3 a=a*b b=a/b a=a/b print(a,b) Output:- a=3, b=2

Colors in CSS

Ways to declare Colors in CSS (Image by - Sharma Guides | Subham232330) 1. Color Name 2. Hex Value 3. RGB() and RGBA() 4. HSL() and HSLA() 5. HWB() * Color Name:- background-color:red; * HEX Value:- background-color:#001122; * RGB():- background-color:rgb(25,31,52); * RGBA():- background-color:rgba(0,0,0,1.5);          |           Transparency The hexadecimal system uses values from 0 to 255 but in RGB we can use 0% to 100% as well.

SQL Aggregate Functions

SQL Aggregate Functions (Image by - Sharma Guides | Subham232330) Aggregate Functions:- These functions are used to perform the calculations on data. -> Returns a single value. Types of SQL Aggregation Function      Aggregation Function          |          | - COUNT          |          | - SUM          |           | - AVG          |           | - MAX          |           | - MIN Count() = Return the number of rows. Sum() = It takes all values from different rows and returns their sum value. Avg() = This function accepts values from multiple rows and returns an average of all values. Max() = It returns the largest value. Min() = It returns the smallest value.

A-Z Kali Linux Commands

Kali Linux Commands (Image by - Sharma Guides | Subham232330) Kali Linux commands & Function A apropos - Search Help manual pages (man -k) apt-get - Search for and install software packages (Debian) aptitude - Search for and install software packages (Debian) aspell - Spell Checker awk - Find and Replace text, database sort/validate/index B basename - Strip directory and suffix from filenames bash - GNU Bourne-Again Shell bc - Arbitrary precision calculator language bg - Send to background break - Exit from a loop builtin - Run a shell builtin bzip2 - Compress or decompress named files C cal - Display a calendar case - Conditionally perform a command cat - Concatenate and print (display) the content of files cd - Change Directory cfdisk - Partition table manipulator for Linux chgrp - Change group ownership chmod - Change access permissions chown - Change file owner and group chroot - Run a command with a different root directory chkconfig - System services (ru