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Showing posts from June, 2022

HTTP STATUS CODES - Information Codes, Successful Codes, Redirection Codes, Client Error Codes, Server Error Codes, Request Methods

HTTP STATUS CODES (Image Source - Google Images) 1XX = HTTP Information Codes:     - 100 : Continue     - 101 : Switching Protocols     - 102 : Processing     - 103 : Checkpoint     - 122 : Request-URI too Long 2XX = HTTP Successful Codes:     - 200 : OK     - 201 : Created     - 202 : Accepted     - 203 : Non-Authoritative Information     - 204 : No Content     - 205 : Reset Content     - 206 : Partial Content     - 207 : Multi-Status     - 208 : Already Reported     - 226 : IM Used 3XX = HTTP Redirection Codes:     - 300 : Multiple Choices     - 301 : Moved Permanently     - 302 : Found     - 303 : See Other     - 304 : Not Modified     - 305 : Use Proxy     - 306 : Switch Proxy     - 307 : Temporary Redirect     - 308 : Permanent Redirect 4XX = HTTP Client Error Codes:     - 400 : Bad Request     - 401 : Unauthorized     - 402 : Payment Required     - 403 : Forbidden     - 404 : Not Found     - 405 : Method Not Allowed     - 406 : Not Acceptable  

What is C programming language, Characteristics, Basic structure, Preprocessor directive, Applications, Facts & "Hello World"

What is C language Ans.  C is a high-level and general-purpose programming language that is ideal for developing firmware or portable applications. Originally intended for writing system software, C was developed at Bell Labs by Dennis Ritchie for the Unix Operating System in the early 1970s. C programming is an imperative, procedural, and general-purpose computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie at Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop the UNIX operating system. C is the most widely used computer language. The main features of the C language include low-level memory access, a simple set of keywords, and a clean style, these features make the C language suitable for programming systems such as operating systems or compiler development. *Characteristics of C language It is a robust language with a rich set of built-in functions and operators that can be used to write any complex program. The C compiler combines the capabilities of an assembly language with fe

What is resource? The Effects of Overpopulation & Depletion of Natural Resources.

What is resource? Ans. Everything in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided, it is technologically accessible, economically feasible, and culturally acceptable can be termed as a resource. A resource is a physical material that humans need and value such as land, air, and water. Resources are characterized as renewable or nonrenewable; a renewable resource can replenish itself at the rate it is used, while a nonrenewable resource has a limited supply. * How does the increase in the human population affect non-renewable resources? * The Effects of Overpopulation & Depletion of Natural Resources. Ans. Resource Scarcity:  The world's population increased by more than 4 billion people during the 20th century. Although population growth rates are declining in several parts of the world, the population continues to grow and tax natural resources. In areas of tremendous population growth, fossil fuels, timber, water, and arable land can become scarce becau

Define Food Chain. Briefly explain all types of food chain.

What is a Food Chain? Ans. A food chain refers to the order of events in an ecosystem, where one living organism eats another organism, and then that organism is consumed by another, larger organism. The flow of nutrients and energy from one organism to another at different trophic levels forms a food chain. The food chain also explains the feeding pattern or the relationship between living organisms. The trophic level refers to the sequential stages in a food chain, starting with producers at the bottom, followed by primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers. Each level in a food chain is known as a trophic level. (Image Source - Google Images) The food chain consists of four main parts, namely: The Sun: The sun is the initial source of energy, providing energy for everything on the planet. Producers: Producers in a food chain include all autotrophs like phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, algae, and green plants. This is the first stage in a food chain. Producers constitute the first le

Addressing Modes & Types of Addressing Modes

Addressing Modes & Types of Addressing Modes Addressing modes: The different ways of specifying the location of an operand in instruction are called addressing modes. Types of Addressing Modes: In computer architecture, there are the following types of addressing modes: Implied / Implicit Addressing Mode Stack Addressing Mode Immediate Addressing Mode Direct Addressing Mode Indirect Addressing Mode Register Direct Addressing Mode Register Indirect Addressing Mode Relative Addressing Mode Indexed Addressing Mode Base Register Addressing Mode Auto-Increment Addressing Mode Auto-Decrement Addressing Mode (Types of Addressing Modes) In this article, we will discuss these addressing modes in detail. 1. Implied Addressing Mode: In this addressing mode, The definition of the instruction itself specifies the operands implicitly. It is also called an implicit addressing mode. Examples: The instruction “Complement Accumulator” is an implied mode of instruction. In a stack-organized compute