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Useful Git Commands, git --version, git init, git status, git add, git diff, git push, git pull, git log, git branch, git remote

Git Commands

Useful Git Commands
(Image by - Sharma Guides | Subham232330)

git --version = It shows the version of Git installed on your machine.

git init = It will initialize the project folder into a "git repository".

git status = It will show you exactly which files/folders have been modified

git add = It will add your file to the git staging area.

git diff = It will show the difference between a file in the staging area and untracked file.

git push = It will push all the local changes that you have made to the remote GitHub repository.

git pull = It will fetch all the updated code from the remote branch and merge it with your local branch.

git log = It will list down the entire commit history.

git branch <name> = To create a new branch in your local git repository.

git branch = It will list down all the local branches that you have created.

git remote = It will give the name of the remote repository.
