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Define abstract class in java

Define a abstract class named Geometry as described below: 
Data Member: pi
Abstract Method: calculate()
Now create two sub classes , cylinder and Rhombus from “Geometry” class and calculate the volume for cylinder and area for rhombus.

import java.util.Scanner; 
class abstractGeo { 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
Scanner sc = new Scanner(; 
System.out.println("Enter the Height of the cylinder : "); 
double n1 = sc.nextDouble(); 
System.out.println("Enter the Radius of the cylinder : "); 
double n2 = sc.nextDouble(); 
System.out.println("Enter the 1st diagonal of the Rhombus : "); 
double n3 = sc.nextDouble(); 
System.out.println("Enter the 2nd diagonal of the Rhombus : "); 
double n4 = sc.nextDouble(); 
cylinder c = new cylinder(); 
System.out.println("The volume of Cylinder is : " + c.calculate(n1,n2)); 
Rhombus r = new Rhombus(); 
System.out.println("The area of the Rhombus is : " + r.calculate(n3,n4)); 
// Abstract class for geometry
abstract class Geometry { 
final public double pi = 3.14; 
abstract double calculate(double x, double y); 
// Cylinder class from Geometry
class cylinder extends Geometry { 
public double radius; 
public double height; 
//Creating calculate method for calculating the volume of the cylinder. 
public double calculate(double radius, double height) { 
return pi * radius * radius * height; 
// Rhombus class
class Rhombus extends Geometry {
public double diagonal1; 
public double diagonal2; 
public double calculate(double diagonal1, double diagonal2) { 
return ((diagonal1 * diagonal2) / 2); 


Enter the Height of the cylinder :
Enter the Radius of the cylinder :
Enter the 1st diagonal of the Rhombus :
Enter the 2nd diagonal of the Rhombus :
The volume of Cylinder is : 1893.4378923185684
The area of the Rhombus is : 216.0
