Rules are made to be broken but are also made for a reason. Our ‘go to’ is the widely known ‘rule of thirds’ and is considered in the majority of our intentional compositions. But what other compositions do we use? 1 - Golden Spiral : Based on the Fibonacci numbers, this composition uses arcs infinitely resembling a spiral shape, which can be used to create balanced and aesthetically pleasing photos. 2 - Cross : A simple but harmonious composition using two lines, creating a midsection crosshair with the subject in the center of the frame. 3 - Tunnel : Similar to ‘leading lines’ tunnel composition is used to draw your eye to a subject using depth. 4 - L Shape : The L-shape composition appears when the elements create the “L” shape which can be (and often is) multiplied. The static horizontal and vertical lines this kind of composition presents create the feeling of rest, stillness, and harmony. 5 - S Curve : The curved lines in an S-curve composition add a sense of movement to an other...