Introduction To Compiler Design, What is Compiler, Preprocessor, Assembler, Interpreter, Advantages of Compiler, Loader and Link-Editor
Introduction To The Compiler Design What is Compiler? -A compiler is a special program that translates the source code of a programming language into machine code, bytecode, or another programming language. The source code is usually written in a high-level human-readable language, such as Java or C++. The computer is an intelligent combination of software and hardware. Hardware is simply a piece of mechanical equipment and its functions are being compiled by the relevant software. The hardware considers instructions as electronic charge, which is equivalent to the binary language in software programming. The binary language has only 0s and 1s. To enlighten, the hardware code has to be written in binary format, which is just a series of 0s and 1s. Writing such code would be an inconvenient and complicated task for computer programmers, so we write programs in a high-level language, which is convenient for us to comprehend and memorize. These pro...