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creating object for class triangle

Define a class named triangle as described below:

Data members: 1) side1
2) Side2
3) side3
4) angle1, angle2, angle3

Methods : 1) constructors
2) trianglePerimeter()
3) triangleArea()
4) isoceles( )
5) equilateral( )
6) rightAngled()
7) scalene()

Test this class by creating an object for the class triangle.

class triangle{ 
public double s1; 
public double s2; 
public double s3; 
public double a1; 
public double a2; 
public double a3; 
public triangle(){ 
public double trianglePerimeter(){ 
return this.s1+this.s2+this.s3; 
public double triangleArea(){ 
double s = trianglePerimeter()/2; 
double a=s*(s-this.s1)*(s-this.s2)*(s-this.s3); 
return Math.pow(a, 0.5); 
public void isisoceles(){ 
if(this.s1==this.s2 || this.s2==this.s3 || this.s3==this.s1) 
System.out.println("Triangle is isosceles."); 
System.out.println("Triangle is not isosceles."); 
public void equilateral(){ 
if(this.s1==this.s2 && this.s2==this.s3 && this.s3==this.s1) 
System.out.println("Triangle is Equilateral."); 
System.out.println("Trianlge is not Equilateral."); 

public void rightAngled(){ 
if(this.a1==90 || this.a2==90 || this.a3==90) 
System.out.println("Triangle is Right angled."); 
System.out.println("Trianle is not Right angled."); 
public void scalene(){ 
if(this.a1!=this.a2 || this.a2!=this.a3 || this.a3!=this.a1) 
System.out.println("Triangle is scalene."); 
System.out.println("trianlge is not scalene."); 
class triangleClass{ 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
triangle t = new triangle(); 
System.out.println("The perimeter of the triangle is "+t.trianglePerimeter()); 
System.out.println("The area of the trianle is "+t.triangleArea()); 


The perimeter of the triangle is 53.0
The area of the trianle is 77.79419965524421
Triangle is not isosceles.
Trianlge is not Equilateral.
Triangle is Right angled.
trianlge is not scalene.


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