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four methods overload these methods

Write a program in java which has the following classes and methods: 
Class : OverloadDemo
Methods : test()
Declare four methods with the same name “test()” and overload these methods

class OverloadDemo{ 
public void test(){ 
System.out.println("It's a test method for null."); 
public void test(int n){ 
System.out.println("It's a test method for displaying the int value "+n); 
public void test(double d){ 
System.out.println("It's a test method for displaying the double value "+d); 
public void test(String s){ 
System.out.println("It's a test method for displaying the String "+s); 
class overClass{ 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
OverloadDemo old = new OverloadDemo(); 


It's a test method for null.
It's a test method for displaying the int value 12
It's a test method for displaying the double value 25.35
It's a test method for displaying the String Subham
